

  • 23 Sep - 23 Sep 2023
  • The Vector Academy

Parent-teacher Meeting is one of the important activities of any school. PTM is a great opportunity for both the teacher and parents to work for the betterment of the child. PTM is held for valuation of an academic and non- academic performance of the student. It helps to know and work for the child’s performance. Importance of Education in all the aspects of today’s World Also, PTM enables parent and teacher to work for the positive modification of the student’s performance.

Parent-Teacher Meeting is an effective and useful way to interact with each other for the betterment of the child’s performance. Here in the PTM both teacher and parent interact and discuss their problems and issues they feel for the student. As face-to-face communication of Parents and teachers plays a vital role in their child’s learning process.

Along with the teacher if parents are also involved in the activity of the school,then a student can do better and achieve the highest rank in both academic and non- academic areas. That is the main reason why PTM is important in school.

PTM is an effective and great platform for the teacher and parents as they both share their insights and helps to know the two sides of the student- strength & weakness. And it results in the development of a child’s holistic future. Parent-Teacher Meeting is the way to make a difference in the child’s education as it enables to bring new positive changes and attitudes in a child focussing on their priority. The role of both teacher and parents are mutually clear, specified and designed in such a way that it brings the best in the student.

Although, PTM helps to know you what your child needs and therefore it is important to organize the PTM in the school.